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Creating Bitcoin Wallet Using Blockchain & Coinbase

Creating Bitcoin Wallet
Bitcoin is a most popular crypto currency now a days. Many peoples are using bitcoin rather then other crypto currencies. At the time of writing this post the value of 1 btc equals more than 1200$.But many peoples are not using it , so today I am going to share how to create a bitcoin account using Blockchain and Coinbase.

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How To Create Bitcoin Account Using Blockchain 

Blockchain is a most popular wallet for creating bitcoin account. Simply follow those steps below : 
  • Go to from your browser. 
  • Click on menu bar and then select create a wallet. 
Bitcoin account creation using

  • After that fill up the details such as email and password and then accept the term and conditions and click on continue. 
  • You are done now confirm your email and then you will get an unique wallet address which will be used to make transactions.

How To Create Bitcoin Account Using Coinbase 

Coinbase is another popular platform for creating bitcoin wallet. Simply follow those steps below : 
  • Go to from your browser. 
  • Click on menu bar and select sign up
  • Fill up your information and click on create account. 
Creating bitcoin account using coinbase
  • Yes you are done now.Now you will get an unique wallet address. You can also download coinbase apps from Google play store and create an account easily. 
Hope you have liked this post.Dont forget to share this post with your friends and family also comments here with your suggestions. 

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