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Hidden Tips For Getting Success In Upwork is the most popular marketplace for freelancing. But the problem is many people don't know how to become successful in this marketplace. So today I am going to share some hidden Tips for becoming successful in upwork.

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What To Do Before Getting The Work

If you are good in working then you will be famous in upwork. Because You have already collected some positive feedback from your clients.
Here I have sharing five tips what you have to do:

1) Understanding The Task

Before applying for a job you have to understand it very clearly. You have to think that are you able to do this work.

2) Complete The Task In Time

Before applying for a job you have to think that are you able to complete this task within the given time.

3) Are You Really Able To Do?

Think again that you are able to do this task.For getting the task show your profile to your clients also provide your portfolio and write an excellent cover letter. 

4) Talk Clearly 

Before working for a project talk with the client about it while interviewing. Also if you think that you are not really able to do this project then simply reject it.

5) Maintaining The Time

You may have enough time for doing the work.First you have to think that are you really able to do this work done before the dedline.

What To Do After Getting The Job

Now I will discuss what you have to do after getting the job successfully. 

1) Have To Be More Careful 

After getting the work you have to be more careful. Also always keep contacting with your clients and tell them that you are working on this project.

2) Keep Eyes On Time Period 

Always keep It in your mind that how much time you have to finish the work also if you are unable to do this within the given time then tell this to your clients. 

3) Ask Questions 

Dont forget to ask any kind of questions if you have to the client. 

4) Response ASAP

If you got any email or message from your client then forget to reply very soon.If you response quickly then clients will be more happy.

5) Ask For Feedback 

If you are almost done then ask your clients for some positive feedback and this will also give the chance get the job again. 

What To Do After Completing The Project 

Your first step is done.You already got the job and you have to do some things after completing the project.

1) Confirm Your Client Is Happy 

After Submitting your project ask your client that is it ok.Try to make your clients more happy with your work. 

2) Finish The Agreement 

After Submitting the project Confirm that your agreement is over.Also make your clients happy and tell them to give you more if they wants.A positive feedback will help you to work more in upwork. 

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