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Things To Know Before Buying Web Hosting

Web hosting
If you are new in blogging or going to buy a hosting then there are several things that you have to know.After reading this post you will be able to take your decision. Before buying a hosting a domain is must needed. So today I will tell you what you have to know before buying a hosting.

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Buying Hosting From Renowned Company

Before buying a hosting one thing we keep in mind that we have to select better hosting company.There are many hosting companies available but all of them are not so good.You have to be smart enough while buying a hosting. I recommend you to buy hosting from or

Selecting Hosting Type 

There are various types of Hosting Service are available. For example : shared hosting, VPS hosting, Dedicated server, and wordpress. You have to select that one which best suits you. 

Server Speed

I told you before that are various types of Hosting companies are available. But you don't want to buy hosting from those companies whichs server is always overloaded. So select the best hosting which is never get down and the server speed is also very fast.

USA Server

While buying a hosting try to select USA server cause it's gives you better hosting service. 

Hosting Space

Hosting space is an important factor while buying a hosting. It depends on how much file you can host.So if you need much more files to host then buy more space from your hosting providers. 


Suppose you have bought 1gb bandwidth and homepage takes 100kb for loading the homepage that means every time an user visits your site it will take 100kb bandwidth. So if you have much more visitors then buy more bandwidth. Also 1gb bandwidth is not so bad you can try with it.

Operating System 

There are two types of operating systems are available. One is windows and another one is Linux.The cost of windows is high comparing with Linux. But you can choose Linux.It's also a good operating system.

Hope you have liked this post. If you have any question regarding choosing hosting than you may ask here via comments. 

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